Justice for george

In the Name of God, the Indiscriminately Merciful, the Intimately Loving

On Monday, May 25th, 2020, George Floyd was murdered in broad daylight by Minneapolis Police. The murder of George Floyd amidst a crowd of people shows the extent to which police officers know that there is no accountability or repercussions for their actions in our injustice system. It is our duty as Muslims to do everything in our power to change this reality!

As MSA (Muslim Student Association) West we stand in solidarity with our Black, Muslim and non-Muslim, brothers and sisters. We are specifically calling on our non-Black Muslim community members to engage in the critical work necessary to combat institutional racism which includes standing up against the unjust and brutal practices of police officers and the broader criminal injustice system. These harmful practices must end immediately! For our non-Black Muslim folks, it is vital to learn more about this issue and the historically catastrophic impact that policing structures have had on Black communities and how this intersects with the policing of the wider Muslim community within the context of the U.S. Non-Black Muslims’ relationship with the police comes from a privileged framework, while our Black communities recognize that the police is a structure killing them, not serving them. We call on the non-Black Muslim community to develop personal and institutional alternatives to calling the police, and to weigh the consequences of our actions because they can literally mean the difference between life and death for our Black brothers and sisters.

Allah (SWT) commands us to call out injustice and actively fight against it numerous times throughout the Quran. In Surah Luqmaan, He says, “…Indeed if wrong should be the weight of a mustard seed and should be within a rock or [anywhere] in the heavens or in the earth, Allah will bring it forth. Indeed Allah is Subtle and Acquainted. O my son, establish prayer, enjoin what is right, and forbid what is wrong, and be patient over what befalls you. Indeed, [all] that is of the matters requiring determination.” (31:16–17).

One way to fight anti-Blackness within the non-Black Muslim community includes following the lead of the impacted communities. In this regard, MSA West has compiled resources highlighting ways to demand justice for George Floyd and ways to engage in the broader fight against anti-Blackness, and we are calling on MSAs and Muslim students across California to actively address anti-Blackness in their communities on and off-campus through education and direct action. As asked by our Black leaders in the community, the guide includes ways that MSAs and Muslim students can engage in this work and demand justice for George Floyd and the countless others who have been victims of state violence.

Oh Allah, you are Al-Wali (The Protecting Friend), protect our Black brothers and sisters. You are Al-Hadi (The Guide), guide our community to speak up and take Prophetic action that creates structural change and liberates those who remain oppressed by unjust, man-made systems. We find peace knowing that Your system is the most High, the most Just; that You are Al-Baseer (All Seeing) and Al-Latif (The Gentle). We find hope knowing that You are Al-Mujeeb (The Answerer) and Al-Fattah (The Giver of Victory). We find strength knowing that You are Al-Hakam (The Judge) and our Al-Nasir (The Helper). Ya Rab, guide us, be with us all. Help us to treat each other how our Beloved Prophet (saw) did, with the same brother/sisterhood, dignity, and support. Envelop our Black Muslim brothers and sisters in Your Light and Mercy. Ameen.

In solidarity,

MSA West

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